
DefConstantSymbol[constant] defines symbol constant to be a real constant with respect to all kinds of derivatives.

• Currently constant must be a valid Mathematica symbol, not in use in the present session with any other meaning. In the future a pattern will also be valid to allow for "indexed names".
• Options:
Dagger            Real                behaviour under complex conjugation
Info            {"constant symbol",""}    information on the constant symbol
Master            Null                master symbol for the constant symbol
PrintAs            Identity            string or function of symbol for output
ProtectNewSymbol    $ProtectNewSymbols    whether to protect new symbol or not
• See: Section 4.1.
• See also: UndefConstantSymbol.
• New in version 0.
• Last update: 23-IX-2007 for version 0.9.3 of xTensor`.

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